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Add copyright info to your photos EXIF

Add copyright to your camera exif

A very quick tip for any newer photographers out there (I assume many seasoned photographers will know this already), is to add copyright information in camera. This will then write that information to the photos exif data, alongside camera and lens settings. This means every photo you take comes straight out the camera with a...

Nikon DSLR Error codes: Explained

FEE code means the aperture lock is not set

Ever had a dreaded error code or message flash up on your Nikon DSLR? Or is it happening right now and your search has brought you to this article? Well, either way, here’s a guide to what those codes generally mean, along with a couple of simple solutions to hopefully get you back up and...

My photographic highlights from 2010 [video]

Some stats from my photographic look back at the year gone by: 185,000 : 66,000 : 10,029 : 3 : 2 : 1 & 1. And what do they equate to? Website hits, images I looked through as a photo competition judge, feet stood above sea level atop a volcano, countries visited, times on tv,...

Mating Hare behaviour: 6 male vs 1 female

With fur and limbs flying everywhere, six male hare fight each other and chase just a single female before finally, exhausted, she stops long enough for the males to attempt to mate with her – whilst at all times being constantly attacked by the remaining males! Sometimes the animal kingdom can be a harsh place....