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Category Archives: Accessories

LensCoat RainCoat review

LensCoat Rain Coat

There are a number of waterproof covers you can use to keep your camera dry, from the high end complete with custom eye piece, to the make shift plastic bag and elastic bands! And now there’s another option, in the form of the LensCoat RainCoat. This sits nicely in the middle ground of ways to...

LensCoat (leg) Wraps, review

Offering some padding to help protect your shoulder from the weight of you're tripod, plus protection from the cold and heat, the Lens Coat wrap is a handy accessory to have on your tripod.

I had an email from Scott at LensCoat a little while ago asking if I’d like to try out their new tripod Leg Wraps. A quick ‘yes please’ and a few days later there were two sets in my hands, having sped all the way from the other side of the Atlantic. Essentially the LegWraps...

LensCoat Covers

Why have you got camo all over your lens? Surely it’s a waste of time and looks silly! That’s the question put to me by a non-photographer friend of mine. Looks silly? Well ok, depending on the situation you are in, yes I’ll give you that – it might. But waste of time, absolutely not!...

Shutter Release Cables

Back to basics and the bread and butter essentials that should be in every camera bag with this one. The shutter release cable. There are various ways to trigger the camera without directly touching it, the self timer is a quick and easy solution. But if you want a little more control a useful item...