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Category Archives: Europe

Light and Shade, Dalmatian Pelicans on Lake Kerkini.

Dalmatian Pelican Portrait

Bright sunny weather is surprisingly flexible when photographing wildlife, as the Dalmatian Pelicans of Greece’s Lake Kerkini helped me demonstrate back in January, when I found myself on a return trip to photograph the hugely photogenic bird for the second year running. Once again the anticipation of snow was high but, just like the year...

Dalmatian Pelicans. Tranquility on Greece’s Lake Kerkini

Back in January I spent two days in Northern Greece, close to the Bulgarian border, photographing the Dalmatian Pelican. Sadly, estimates put the remaining numbers of this almost prehistoric looking bird at less than 20,000 and as few as only 10,000, giving them vulnerable status on the IUCN Red List. See more Dalmatian Pelican images...

Belarus trip report

Two snipe face off

I have to admit, despite being to some pretty cool places, sitting in a hide, in a field, deep in the Belarusian countryside with Great Snipe lekking all around me, is certainly one of my most memorable experiences so far. Having these small birds walk around the hide just feet away and watching and listening...

Mating Hare behaviour: 6 male vs 1 female

With fur and limbs flying everywhere, six male hare fight each other and chase just a single female before finally, exhausted, she stops long enough for the males to attempt to mate with her – whilst at all times being constantly attacked by the remaining males! Sometimes the animal kingdom can be a harsh place....

On Location: A week on Texel, Holland

I should have known this trip wouldn’t be the best as soon as I was asked to pay for overweight luggage at Heathrow Airport! And I would have been right. Five days of fog, one day of rain with grey skies and one, just one afternoon of sun and good light. Not the weather we...