Heads up wildlife and nature photography lovers, the Scottish Nature Photography Festival has returned for 2013, the Year of Natural Scotland, with a new look and excellent programme including talks from superb photographers such as Mark Hamblin, Edwin Kats, Pete Cairns, Bertie Gregory and more.
If you’ve ever been to the London hosted Wild Photos, you’ll have a good idea of what you can expect at the SNPF, with talks by the above mentioned photographers, workshops, trade stands and the ability to mingle with like minded photographers and enthusiasts. Furthermore there will be several photographers displaying portfolios of work on iMac driven slide shows, included up and coming young photographer James Shooter (coolest surname for a wildlife photographer ever!) and I’m delighted to say, myself!

One of the talks from the 2012 SNPF
More info below, but don’t forget you can also keep up to date with the latest new for the SNPF by following them on Twitter @S_N_P_F and Liking the SNPF Facebook Page.
Rather than being hosted in a concrete jungle, the SNPF is located in the Scottish Natural Heritage’s Battleby Centre, just outside of Perth. A beautiful and fitting location for a wildlife and nature event!