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Category Archives: Uncategorized

A very wet week on Mull

Seven glorious days in Mull staying right in the heart of Sea Eagle territory with a Buzzard and a Hen Harrier living along the single track road leading to our house…surely this week is going to be a great one for photography…surely…? Well, now add five days of almost constant wet, dull and windy weather!...

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch

‘Discovery now flying at 6000 miles an hour, 62 miles altitude and 177 miles down range from the Kennedy Space Centre’…Nasa mission control, heard from a fellow spectators radio, just 3 minutes after taking the photo below. Sunday the 15th March 2009, and, at 7:43pm Discovery finally launched on the STS-119 mission after more than...

Using a fast burst rate

I know a lot of people don’t see the need for high FPS on camera’s but as a wildlife photographer (amongst others) it’s a must have, as in some situations it greatly improves your chances of getting the shot you want. This article demonstrates it’s use nicely, showing a sequence of shots with the D3...

Nikon 200-400 VR + 1.4x TC review

When I posted my original review/faq on the 200-400 VR didn’t have a 1.4x TC. However as I now do I thought I’d follow up the review by talking about my own findings with this combination in real world situations. The shot below was taken at 550mm, max reach for the lens and TC combo...

The end of the Deer Rut

The deer rut is always a bit of a hit and miss affair, you can never really predict where the fights will be, if at all. And so this year I spent as much time as I could trying to be in the right place at the right time, although wrong place at the wrong...